The resources below are to assist faculty in both face-to-face courses and online courses.
Library Instruction Request Form – Use this form to request that a librarian come to your class and speak with your students about using the Library for research assignments.
Professional Collection – The Library houses a collection of literature specifically focusing on teaching and community colleges. Search the Library Catalog or eBook collection to access these books.
Library Reserves – Faculty can place texts or other materials on reserve in the Library for students to access. It can be helpful to students to place a copy of the course textbook on reserve in the Library. Any assigned DVD movies can be placed on reserve and watched in the Library as well. Contact [email protected] or stop in the Library to place materials on reserve.
Library Textbook Collection – The Library purchases copies of some of the more popular textbooks to keep on reserve in the Library. These textbooks can be helpful for any students that cannot afford textbooks or are waiting for their copies to arrive in the mail.
Online Resources
Films on Demand enables the embedding video clips into online content. Clips are available for a variety of subject areas. After selecting a clip, just embed the referring URL into your document. Note that Films on Demand will be discontinued after Fall 2024.
The Chronicle of Higher Education has the nation’s largest newsroom dedicated to covering colleges and universities. It is an excellent resource for anyone researching topics related to higher education.
The Community College Daily website is the news sources of the American Association of Community Colleges.
Copyright Resources
The following guides will help faculty understand the issues surrounding copyright in the classroom. The Library Director, Barbara Zaborwoski, also serves as the college copyright officer and can answer questions. Contact her at [email protected]
Copyright in the classroom – This guide covers the rights that instructors have regarding teaching with works under copyright. This is from the University of California.
Guidelines for Showing Movies in a Classroom
Understanding Fair Use – This guide from the University of Chicago Library explains the concept of Fair Use and how it applies to using copywritten work in your teaching.
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